Did you ever take a moment to explore a forest with your family or friends after a rainfall? If you have tried that, you must admit, it’s an incredible experience with the greenery all around. Now and then, you may have seen toadstools popping up on the moist soil. Not all of them fall in the edible category. If you are interested in fungi culture, you may want to commence your journey by cultivating them in your yard or greenhouse. Your journey will get a lot easier if you buy a mushroom kit.
A brief overview
Have you ever tried growing herbs and veggies? If the answer is yes, then you may be surprised to note that the technique of mushroom growing is not similar. Cultivating toadstools is undoubtedly a fun-filled journey, but maybe a bit challenging for first-time growers. If you become acquainted with the steps, you will become comfortable with the process. Learn the technique of growing Shiitake Mushrooms to avail of an on-going crop to be devoured over the long term.
Selection of a substrate
The first step involves the selection of the growing medium. This is known as the substrate where your toadstools will emerge as mycelium. This, in reality, is the food source that helps produce their fruiting bodies. Improve your health and promote your resistance to diseases by growing Shiitake Mushrooms.
Based on your needs
If you compare these fungi types with their oyster counterpart, the latter can survive on anything, such as cardboard, straw, and much more. In contrast, the shiitake type is fussier about the medium, for example, they need a wood base medium for survival.
Wood-based substrate
The wood-based substrate you pick for shiitake must be of deciduous wood. Though oak is the best choice, other suitable choices include ironwood, maple, and beech. The options for growing shiitake are, therefore, restricted to logs and sawdust blocks. If you reside in the city, a wise decision is to opt for sawdust pellets compared to fresh logs.
Obtaining spawn
The spawn for toadstools is available in various forms. First-time growers primarily use plug spawn. If you intend to use logs, you can drill holes for hammering dowels within them. Sawdust spawn is a popular choice of seasoned cultivators. If you want to avoid all the initial tasks and instead embrace a simple approach to growing, then all you will have to do is purchase a pre-inoculated kit.
Fruiting aspect
Once they are ready, the shiitake will fruit independently. In general, however, you will need to initiate the process. The logs will be prepared for fruiting after a few months under ideal weather conditions. A rational decision is to wait for a year before initiating them. By that time, the mycelium will be stronger.
Taking a cautious call
Use the online platform to conduct an extensive study about companies excelling in the supply of mushroom growing kits. Check their website to gather knowledge about their shipping policies. Do not forget to inquire about their pricing structure beforehand.