
Vietnam agricultural seed market worth billions of dollars

Vietnam has to import billions of dollars worth of products every year. Analysts, considering the stable two-digit growth rate of the market, have predicted that market value may reach $1.7 billion by 2020, while demand for merchandise seeds may increase by twofold, accounting for 70 percent of the total plantation area in the next five… Continue reading Vietnam agricultural seed market worth billions of dollars

Philippine researchers addressing the threats of cassava phytoplasma disease

          Cassava phytoplasma disease (CPD) is a current serious threat to the country’s cassava industry.           When the plant is CPD-infected, it shows yellowing or reddening of leaves, shrinking of the internodes resulting in stunted growth, excessive multiplication of shoots, and production of smaller leaves, among other… Continue reading Philippine researchers addressing the threats of cassava phytoplasma disease

Australia to approve Bayer’s GM cotton lines

           The Australian Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) is currently assessing licence application DIR 143 from Bayer CropScience Pty Ltd for a commercial release of two types of GM cotton: GlyTol® cotton and GlyTol TwinLink Plus® cotton. GlyTol® cotton has been genetically modified for tolerance to the herbicide glyphosate and GlyTol TwinLink… Continue reading Australia to approve Bayer’s GM cotton lines

Brazil’s soybean acreage to expand 1.5% in 2016/17

        Brazilian farmers are allowed to start planting their 2016/17 soybean crop starting September 15th and it is estimated that the 2016/17 Brazilian soybean acreage will expand 1.5 % compared to last year. If verified, it would be the smallest expansion in soybean acreage in about a decade. The trend in recent… Continue reading Brazil’s soybean acreage to expand 1.5% in 2016/17

President Obama signs bill mandating GMO labeling in US

        A bill that creates a federal labeling standard for foods containing genetically modified ingredients (commonly called GMOs) was signed into law by President Barack Obama on July 29.         “This measure will provide new opportunities for consumers to have access to information about their food,” Katie Hill, a… Continue reading President Obama signs bill mandating GMO labeling in US

High oleic soybean oil passes the test

          As part of a recent test of high oleic soybean oil in a Purdue University dining hall, chefs witnessed the oil’s excellent stability and other positive performance attributes in a product without trans fat. Today, the university is just the latest example of a customer evaluating whether to switch over… Continue reading High oleic soybean oil passes the test