Article 27 of the “Regulations on the Administration of Pesticides” stipulates that the use of pesticides shall comply with the provisions of the State concerning the safe and reasonable use of pesticides, and shall be administered in accordance with the prescribed dosage, frequency, methods of use, and safety intervals to prevent the contamination of agricultural and sideline products. Poisonous, highly toxic pesticides shall not be used for the control of health pests and shall not be used for vegetables, fruits, tea leaves and Chinese herbal medicines. Article 36 stipulates that no unit or individual may produce, operate, or use pesticides that the state has explicitly prohibited the production or deregistration of pesticides.
Nationally banned pesticides (a total of 33 species): methamidophos, methyl parathion, parathion, monocrotophos, phosphoamine, BHC, DDT, toxaphene, dibromochloropropane, insecticide Bismuth, dibromoethane, herbicidal ether, aldrin, dieldrin, mercury preparation, arsenic, lead, prodrug, fluoroacetamide, fluoridation, tetramine, sodium fluoroacetate, tetrazolium, Benzene-phosphorus, chlorfenulfuron, methylthiophosphorus, calcium phosphide, magnesium phosphide, zinc phosphide, sulfur-phosphorus, fly phos- phorus, antimony phosphide, and tert-butyl phosphide.

Restricted use and deregistration of pesticides (17 in total): Phosphorine, methylisothiphos, phosphorus uptake, carbofuran, aldicarb, pyrophosphate, thiophos-phorus, and chlorzophosphonium Pesticides shall not be used on vegetables, fruit trees, tea, and Chinese herbal medicines; dicofol and fenvalerate shall not be used on tea plants; the registration of omethoate in cabbage and citrus trees shall be abolished to remove butyrohydrine on peanuts and isocarbophos Registration on Citrus destroys the registration of Timurin on Citrus, Apple, Tea, and Cruciferous vegetables. Cancellation of the registration of endosulfan on apple trees and tea trees. Revocation of the registration of methyl bromide on strawberries and cucumbers. Some dry field seed coating agents such as sanitary and corn are used for registration in other aspects.

To solve the problem of excessive pesticide residues in agricultural products, especially vegetables, fruits, and tea from the source, to protect people’s life safety and health protection, agricultural production safety, ecological environment safety, and farmers’ interests to enhance the market competitiveness of China’s agricultural products. The ministries and commissions of the Ministry of Agriculture and other countries have successively promulgated Relevant announcements announced highly toxic and highly toxic pesticides that the government has banned from using, and pesticides that cannot be used on or restricted to vegetables, fruit trees, tea, and Chinese herbal medicines.