Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), under the authority of the Pest Control Products Act, is granting registration for the sale and use of F9650 Technical Fungicide, containing the technical grade active ingredient bixafen, and F9651-2 Fungicide, containing bixafen and tebuconazole, to control foliar diseases on wheat, barley, oats and soybean.
Bixafen is classified as a Group 7 fungicide which inhibits an enzyme involved in energy production in fungi and contributes to the management of diseases of cereals and soybean.
Tebuconazole is currently registered in Canada for foliar and seed treatment uses on wheat, barley, oats, corn, and soybean, as well as use on turf and for industrial uses as a wood preservative. All diseases proposed on the F9651-2 Fungicide label for cereal crops and two diseases proposed for soybean are currently registered for tebuconazole at the rates proposed for F9651-2 Fungicide.
Source: Health Canada