Winter shed indoor disease, spray times, many farmers in order to reduce the number of spray, reduce labor intensity, each spray is mixed with a variety of pesticides. Pesticide species too much,  when mixed prone to problems, need special attention. So, when mixing pesticides should pay attention to it ?
          First, pesticide mixing order to be accurate, most of the farmers in the mixed pesticide, do not know which medicine should be added first. Sometimes first to join the foliar fertilizer, and sometimes add the first EC, and sometimes first to join the wettable powder, pick up which kind of which, it is unreasonable. Many prepared pesticides are precipitated by this.
          The order of mixing of Foliar fertilizer and pesticide and other is usually: foliar fertilizer, wettable powder, suspending agent, water, cream in turn, each adding a kind of mixing and then fully mixing, and then add the next one.
          Second, the first addition of water after dosing, the second dilution, at present, there are a lot of farmers mixed with pesticides, pesticides are all added to the sprayer, and then diluted with water, this approach is wrong.
          Pesticide mix, not simply with a single on it. Mix the pesticide with a plastic bottle before the first diluted, diluted and then into the sprayer, mix, so that the first pesticide can be mixed with the first pesticide, Such push.
          Third, immediately sprayed after dispensing, a lot of time, farmers generally first at home against the drug, and then transported to the shed spray, this time the pharmaceutical has been prepared for several hours. Although the liquid is not just when the reaction, but does not mean that you can arbitrarily set for a long time, or prone to slow response, the efficacy gradually reduced.